Eye4Software Hydromagic - Knowledge Base - Tags GGA
Q115001 | Can I use a NMEA0183 compatible total station with your software? |
Yes you can. Most total stations output a NMEA0183 compatible GGA sentence to pass position data.Where the position data is in WGS84 on GPS receivers, the total station outputs northing and eastings.To use a total station, just connect it to an available serial port and use the "Trimble Total Stati ... | |
Tags: Total Station, GGA, Psuedo NMEA0183, |
Q116001 | Can your Hydromagic software output an APA or APB sentence for autopilot control? |
The Hydromagic software does not output APA or APB autopilot NMEA0183 sentences. However, it is possible to use the NMEAOUT plugin to output position and cross track error messages over a serial port (XTE and GGA sentences). ... | |
Tags: autopilot, NMEA0183, APA, APB, XTE, GGA, NMEA0183 output, NMEA0183 generator, |