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Eye4Software Hydromagic - Knowledge Base - Tags Matrix

Q160001 I want to create a 3D view from my sounding, is this supported ?
In order to create a 3D view, you have to create a matrix first. To do so, right click on the "Matrices" folder in the project explorer and select "Generate Matrix". When a matrix has been created, right click on the matrix in the project explorer and select the "3D View" option. The soun ...
Tags:   3D, 3D View, Matrix,

Q160002 There are some void spots in my generated matrix, can this be fixed ?
There are two causes for voids in the matrix data. The first one has something to do with the color ranges. When certain points are outside the range of the color table, they are just not drawn. Select "Matrix Colors..." from the "Options" menu to adjust the color ranges. This also happens whe ...
Tags:   Matrix Voids, Matrix, Color Ranges, Line Spacing,

Q190003 I was wondering if it is possible to export the matrix data to .las (LiDAR) file format ?
Since version 10.2 it is possible to export matrix data as different third-party file formats including LAS files. In order to export a matrix as LAS file, make sure that the "Project Explorer" is visible and expand the "Matrices" folder. Locate the matrix file you want to export and right click ...
Tags:   Matrix, export matrix, export LAS, export LiDAR, LAS file,