Eye4Software Hydromagic

  Hydrographic Survey Software

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Interval Logging

With the interval logging functionality it is possible to record incoming data at a preset interval in addition to recording raw data. These log files are written in ASCII CSV (Comma Separated Values) format so that they can be read directly into Microsoft Excel, for example. Below are some examples of scenarios where an interval log file can be useful:

Example of a Hydromagic interval log file opened in Notepad
Example of a Hydromagic interval log file opened in Notepad.

Configure Interval Logging

With the default configuration, interval logging is disabled. When pressing the record button, only a raw data file will be recorded. To simultaneously write interval logging files, the interval logging functionality must first be configured.

The configuration of the interval logging files can be found under the "Log Files" section in the "Project Explorer". If the "Project Explorer" window is not visible, it can be made visible by selecting the "Project Explorer" option from the "View" menu. When the "Project Explorer" is visible, the configuration of interval logging can be started by first right-clicking on the "Log Files" folder, and then choosing the option "Configure Interval Logging...".

example of a Hydromagic raw data file opened in Notepad
The configuration of the interval logging files can be found under the "Log Files" section.

Selecting data to record

In Hydromagic it is possible to compose the contents of the lines written in the CSV file. You can choose from a variety of data fields, including: Date, time, position, altitude, depth, speed, heading, motion, user defined points on the ship and data from different types of sensors. To add items to include, select them in the left list and click the button with the arrows pointing to the right to include them in the list. To remove items from the list, select them and click the button with the arrows pointing to the left. Using the up and down buttons you can change the order of the fields in the CSV file.

Use the arrow keys to include or exclude data fields
Use the arrow keys to include or exclude data fields.

You can check the resulting line of data by looking at the example in the "File Record Example" setting which is updated every second with the latest selection of fields and incoming data. In this example, the time, date, position and sensor records are written to the file.

The File Record Example shows an example of the composed record
The "File Record Example" section shows an example of the composed record.

Selecting Logging Interval

The "Logging Interval" setting sets the interval at which a new line of data is written to the interval logging file. The minimum time interval is one line per second. To disable this functionality completely, simply enter the value "0". It is possible to change the interval WHILE recording the data. When the new interval is confirmed by clicking the OK button, it will be applied immediately.

Setting the interval to 0 disables logging.
Setting the interval to 0 disables logging.

Start Recording

To start recording to an interval log file, just press the "Record" button in the main toolbar. The file will be created using an unique filename and will automatically appear in the "Project Explorer".

New interval log files will automatically appear in the Project Explorer.
New interval log files will automatically appear in the Project Explorer.

Manage files

To show, rename or remove interval logging files, you can use either the "Project Explorer", or open the "Interval Log File Manager". The "Interval Log File Manager" can be opened from the "Project Explorer", which is normally situated on the left side of the main program window. If not visible yet, select "Project Explorer" from the "View" menu, locate the "Log Files" folder in the "Project Explorer", and right-click this folder with the mouse. From the context menu which appears, select the "Manage Files..." option.

Right click the Log Files folder and select Manage Files...
Right click the "Log Files" folder and select "Manage Files...".

Autosave option

To prevent data loss, for instance due to a PC crash or AC power failure, it is recommended to use the "AutoSave" option. When this option is enabled all project data (including raw data and sounding files) will be saved to disk at the specified interval.

The autosave option is located at the Miscellaneous tab
The autosave option is located at the "Miscellaneous" tab.

To change the autosave option, select "Preferences..." from the "Options" menu, and click the "Miscellaneous" tab. You will see an "Auto save" section at the bottom of this window. Now click the "Setup..." button in this section. Enable the check box when you want to use autosave, and enter an interval (minimum 1 minute). Click the "OK" button to apply the changes.

Make sure you enable the autosave function to prevent data-loss
Make sure you enable the autosave function to prevent data-loss.

Manually saving raw data

Raw data files can be saved at any time by just clicking the "Save" button in the toolbar (Save button). It will be saved into the "RawData" folder of your project.