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Eye4Software Hydromagic - Knowledge Base - Tags post processing

Q160006 Is there a way for having post-processed GPS data reimported back into Hydromagic?
This method is called PPK (Post Processing Kinematic). Using RINEX data recorded on both the rover and base station (could also be a fixed base station, or a base station part of a RTK network), a correction file is generated which is imported back into Hydromagic. To use PPK, you MUST have RINE ...
Tags:   post processing, RINEX, PPK, post processing kinematic, RTK base station, CORS,

Q160010 I configured an offset between the GNSS antenna and echo sounder position, but after processing the data points appear at the same places as the raw position data. What am I doing wrong?
To define an offset between the GNSS antenna position and the echo sounder position, you can use the "Vessel Designer". Make sure that the "Vessel Designer" is set to the correct units. After configuring a vessel file for your USV or boat, make sure that after editing, you select the correct ve ...
Tags:   vessel designer, gnss antenna offset, transducer offset, gps offset, echo sounder offset, post processing,