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Eye4Software Hydromagic - Knowledge Base - Tags geoid model

Q140001 Does your software support RTK tides ?
Yes, Hydromagic is capable of calculating tide levels realtime by using a RTK receiver. In order to calculate tide, a geoid model for the region has to be loaded. You also have to configure the vertical datum and antenna height. Tide calculation only works in "RTK Fixed" mode, so a reference ...
Tags:   tide, RTK, RTK tide, tide calculation, geoid, geoid model, antenna height, water level, vertical datum,

Q140005 What do I have to enter for antenna height in the RTK settings?
To use RTK tides using a RTK receiver and a geoid model, it is required to set the height of the antenna above the water surface. Please note that you use the phase center of the internal antenna instead of the bottom of the antenna.If you do not configure a draft for the echosounder, it is also pos ...
Tags:   tide, RTK, RTK tide, tide calculation, geoid, geoid model, antenna height, water level, vertical datum, draft, static draft,

Q200016 How can I test if my geoid file is working fine without the need to go to the survey location?
To test if a geoid model works as expected (which is recommended before starting your survey), please follow the steps below: " Make sure that the geoid file is correctly installed or downloaded. For more information, please refer to the geoid files manual page: ...
Tags:   geoid model, installing geoid model, testing geoid model, geodesy calculations,

Q200018 I want to use GEOID18B for the United States, how do I know which zone I must use?
The GEOID18 model for CONUS (the The contiguous United States) is divided into eight (8) zones to reduce file size and reduce lookup times. To determine which geoid zone you have to use, please have a look at the table below: Zone No. Latitude Range (N) Longitude Range (W) 1 40 ...
Tags:   GEOID12, GEOID12A, GEOID12B, GEOID18, NAVD88, geoid model, zones, CONUS,