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Q100001 What are the system requirements for this software ?
This software can be used on desktop, tablet or laptop PC running Windows 7 or newer. We recommended since to use Windows 10 or Windows 11 because Windows 11 is no longer supported by Microsoft. When installing the software on Windows 7, please make sure that you updated your operating system w ...
Tags:   System Requirements, Operating System, Software Installation,

Q100002 Is Hydromagic tested on Windows 8 ?
Yes, you should be able to run Hydromagic on desktops, tablets or notebooks running Windows 8 in desktop mode. Hydromagic will NOT run on Windows RT devices. ...
Tags:   System Requirements, Operating System, Windows 8,

Q100003 During installation, the installer is complaining that the 'CodeMeter.exe' file cannot be overwritten. What should I do ?
You received this error most probably because you are upgrading an existing version of the software. You can click the 'Ignore' button to ignore the message and continue the install. However, we recommend to use the following approach: Uninstall the old version if not done so Press CT ...
Tags:   installation, installer, installer error, license, codemeter, locked file,

Q100004 Do you have a brochure of the Hydromagic product ?
A brochure can be downloaded in PDF format from our website. ...
Tags:   Brochure, Product Information,

Q100005 I noticed a new version has been released. Do you have a list of new features ?
Each time a new version of Hydromagic is released, you will find a list of new features and bug fixes in the "Release Notes": ...
Tags:   Updates, New Features, Release Notes,

Q100006 Do you offer training for your software ?
No we don't, however some resellers might offer courses. Please contact your local reseller for more information. ...
Tags:   Sales, Training, Hydromagic Courses, Courses,

Q100007 What support is offered ?
We offer email support on European working days between 0900 and 2100 GMT. When buying software through a reseller, they can offer first line support by telephone and email as well. Please note that to offer technical support, you have to have a valid maintenance contract. Each license comes ...
Tags:   support, phone, maintenance contract, support desk,

Q100008 For what period am I entitled to receive technical support and updates ?
When buying a software license from Eye4Software B.V. or one of its resellers, you are entitled to receive free technical support and updates for the period of one (1) year. After this first year, you can decide to extend the support contract for one or more years. Additional support can be p ...
Tags:   Support, Support Renewal, Support Period, Updates,

Q100009 Can Hydromagic be used to calculate the volume of water in a pond or lake ?
Yes, this is possible. By creating a sounding of the lake using a simple GPS and echosounder, a depth matrix (XYZ) can be created using interpolation. The generated matrix will be compared to a reference level (in this case the water surface, which is 0.0). This results in a calculated volume ...
Tags:   Lake Volume, Pond Volume, Basin Volume, Volume Calculation, Area Calculation,

Q100010 What is hydrography?
The science of hydrography can be described as a branch of applied sciences which deals with the measurement and description of the features of the sea and coastal areas for the primary purpose of navigation and all other marine purposes and activities including offshore activities, research, prote ...
Tags:   Hydrography, Hydrography Definition,

Q100011 What is the use of Hydrographic Survey?
The main objective of conducting a Hydrographic Survey is to produce Navigational Charts both manual and digital (Electronic Navigation Chart), which gives a complete, accurate, easily understood and up to date picture of the area surveyed. A lot of supplementary information which are needed for ...
Tags:   Hydrographic Survey, Hydrographic Survey Definition,

Q100012 How do I find out that a product has released an important update?
When an important update or a new version of the product is released, we always post this as a news item on hour Twitter or Facebook timeline. If you are not using social media, you can check the Hydromagic Release Notes" page on a regular base ...
Tags:   Product Updates, New Releases, New Versions, Release Notes,

Q100013 Do you have a printed manual of the software ?
No we don't. This is because it changes all the time, resulting in throwing lots of paper away. However, we publish a printer friendly manual on the website which can be downloaded as PDF, which you can print by yourself. Printer Friendly Manual for Hydromagic ...
Tags:   Manual, Printed Manual, PDF Manual, Offline Manual,

Q100014 Do you offer a demo version of your product ?
Yes we do, a demo version of the product can be downloaded from the Downloads page on our website. The demo version can be used to explore all the features of the software, however, it is not possible to save, export or print data. ...
Tags:   Demo Version, Trial Version, Demo,

Q110001 Is the NMEA2000 protocol supported by your software ?
No, at this moment we only support NMEA0183. Unlike NMEA0183, the NMEA2000 is implemented on the CAN (Controller Area Network) protocol, and NMEA2000 devices are not connected to a serial or USB port. ...
Tags:   NMEA0183, NMEA2000,

Q110002 I have a GPS and echosounder connected to a datacombiner. The information from my echosounder is interferencing with my GPS, what can i do?
Some echosounders forward positions from a connected GPS, even when no GPS is connected. This may result in alternating GPS positions in the Hydromagic software. To avoid this, you can specify a talker ID, so that only the information from your GPS is used. This talker ID can be entered in t ...
Tags:   NMEA0183, Datacombiner, Talker ID,

Q110003 Can I connect a sidescan sonar ?
At this moment, only single beam echosounders are supported. However, we will be supporting sidescan in the near future. Please follow us on Facebook or Twitter for updates. ...
Tags:   Supported Hardware, Sidescan Sonar,

Q110004 Can your software process multibeam data ?
At this moment, only single beam echosounders are supported. However, we will be supporting multibeam in the near future. Please follow us on Facebook or Twitter for updates. ...
Tags:   Supported Hardware, Multibeam, Multibeam echosounder, MBES,

Q110005 I connected a device to a serial port, but no data is coming in. What should I do ?
When no data is received, please check the following steps before contacting support: Make sure the device is plugged in Double check for serial port and speed When the serial cable has only 2 or 3 connections, make sure the hardware flow control in the device's configuration is set to o ...
Tags:   No Data Received, Serial Port, NMEA0183, Baudrate, Flow Control,

Q110006 Does your customer support ADCP instruments ?
No, at the moment the software can only be used for single beam (single or dual frequency) echo sounders and side scan sonars. We do not have any plans to support ADCP in the near future. ...
Tags:   ADCP, Current Profilers, Supported Hardware,

Q111001 I just bought a GPS to start testing with your software. How do i connect the GPS to my computer ?
This depends on the GPS receiver used. Some GPS devices, use USB, some Bluetooth and other are using a serial connection. To connect Bluetooth device, you need a Bluetooth dongle connected to your PC in order to read data from the device. From your Bluetooth manager software, connect to the GPS ...
Tags:   Serial Ports,

Q111002 I just bought a GPS device, but my computer doesn't have any serial port. What can I do ?
The best is to purchase an USB to serial converter. The best ones around are the converters using a FTDI chipset. ...
Tags:   Serial Ports, USB to Serial converters,

Q111003 My GPS outputs data at 9600bps, is this speed supported ?
The recommended baudrate for NMEA0183 devices is 4800bps. These days, some GPS units are also using 9600bps or even 19200bps for some RTK receivers. The software allows you to change the port speed of a NMEA0183 channel between the most commonly used baudrates, so other speeds then 4800bps can a ...
Tags:   NMEA0183, Serial Ports, Baudrate,

Q111004 Do you have an up-to-date list of GPS and RTK receivers that are known to work well with your software ?
A list of supported hardware (including GPS and RTK receivers can be found here. Please note, that when a device isn't listed this does not mean it does not work with our software. It is safe to say that every GPS or RTK receiver capable of outputting NMEA0183 or Garmin PVT data is supported by ...
Tags:   GPS receivers, RTK receivers, supported hardware,

Q111005 I am using a CSI DGPS device, but the GGA output is more precise (more digits) then the GLL, how can i force the software to use the GGA sentences only ?
In Hydromagic, it is possible to specify which NMEA0183 sentences should be encoded. To do so, select the NMEA0183 channel the GPS device is connected to, and click the "Select Sentences..." button. The "Select Sentences" dialog should now appear. It allows you to select which sentences to de ...
Tags:   NMEA0183, NMEA0183 Sentences, Select Sentences,

Q111006 I'd like to test the software, and I own a Garmin handheld receiver with USB connection. Can it be used with Hydromagic ?
Yes, Hydromagic offers functionality to connect Garmin handhelds that are equipped with an USB port. Garmin is using the proprietary PVT protocol for it's devices. Hydromagic has a built-in plugin to decode PVT data by accessing the Garmin USB driver directly. This plugin can be started by se ...
Tags:   Garmin GPS, Garmin USB, Garmin PT,

Q111007 Where do I configure the horizontal distance between the transducer and GPS antenna?
In order to get accurate soundings when GPS antenna and echosounder transducer are not mounted on the same location, an offset has to be calculated by taking the X and Y offset between the sensors and project this position using the vessels heading.In Hydromagic, the position of the transducer and a ...
Tags:   Vessel Shape, Transducer offset, Sensor offsets, Heading, Vessel Designer, Vessel Shape Editor,

Q111008 Can I connect devices with Bluetooth?
Yes this is supported.When a device has been paired with your computer, virtual serial ports will be created on your system.They will be called something like "Standard serial port over Bluetooth link #1".Just check which "COMxx" port is associated with the serial port, and use this to configure the ...
Tags:   Bluetooth, RS232, Serial Port,

Q111009 I managed to get position data from my GNSS receiver, however the "Data Views" only shows latitude and longitude coordinates but easting and northing coordinates are still zero's.
Most probably, you didn't open or create a Hydromagic project yet, which means the software doesn't know which coordinate system you are going to use. Therefore the projected coordinates are displayed as zero'sAfter creating or loading the project (part of creating a project is selecting a coordinat ...
Tags:   Projected Coordinates, Easting, Northing, Data View, GNSS Position,

Q111010 Why isn't the heading of my vessel displayed on the map view?
This can have multiple causes, but most of the time it is an issue with the GNSS receiver configuration. To fix this issue, please check the following: The NMEA0183 VTG sentence isn't enabled on your GNSS or RTK receiver The vessel isn't moving so the GNSS receiver isn't capable of calcula ...
Tags:   Vessel position, vessel heading, heading, NMEA0183, GNSS, VTG,

Q112001 Do you have an up-to-date list of echosounders that are known to work well with your software ?
A list of supported hardware (including echosounders and fishfinders) can be found here. Please note, that when a device isn't listed, this does not mean it does not work with our software. It is safe to say that every echosounder or fishfinder that supports either the NMEA0183 (DPT, DBS, D ...
Tags:   Echosounders, Fishfinders, Supported Hardware,

Q112002 Where to enter the transducer offset ?
To enter the transducer offset, also known as keel offset, select "Preferences..." from the "Options" menu and select the "Calibration" tab. You will see an option "Use echosounder offset". Enable this option and enter the distance between the bottom of the transducer and the waterline in the "Z ...
Tags:   Echosounder, Transducer Offset, Keel Offset,

Q112003 Is it possible to map bottom hardness using your software ?
Yes, this is possible, however this feature is not supported for all echosounders. For Hydromagic to calculate the bottom hardness, you need echosounder hardware which is capable of: Return reflectivity Return bottom-loss Return multiple return signals (E1 and E2) Return depth for t ...
Tags:   Bottom Hardness, Dual Frequency, Reflectivity, Return Signals, Bottom Loss,

Q112004 Where do I configure the draft in your software?
In hydrography, the (static) draft is the offset between the bottom of the echosounder's transducer and the water surface. This is normally a fixed value and should not change very often. Some echosounders allow you to define this draft in the echosounder's configuration.In cases in which it isn't p ...
Tags:   Transducer offset, draft, dynamic draft, sounder offset,

Q112005 Can I connect devices with Bluetooth?
Yes this is supported.When a device has been paired with your computer, virtual serial ports will be created on your system.They will be called something like "Standard serial port over Bluetooth link #1".Just check which "COMxx" port is associated with the serial port, and use this to configure the ...
Tags:   Bluetooth, Serial ports, wireless,

Q112006 Where do I configure the horizontal distance between the transducer and GPS antenna?
In order to get accurate soundings when GPS antenna and echosounder transducer are not mounted on the same location, an offset has to be calculated by taking the X and Y offset between the sensors and project this position using the vessels heading.In Hydromagic, the position of the transducer and a ...
Tags:   Vessel Shape, Transducer offset, Sensor offsets, Heading, Vessel Designer, Vessel Shape Editor,

Q112007 It seems that the output format of my echo sounder is not supported, what can I do?
Hydromagic supports most (single beam) echo sounders on the market, including a couple of commonly used echo sounder output format including: NMEA0183 DESO25 Odom SBT/DBT. When your sounder does not support one of the above data outputs, and there is no dedicated plugin for your sounder in ...
Tags:   echo sounder, plugins, DESO, proprietary format, unsupported hardware, ASCII output, hardware setup, generic echo sounder plugin,

Q112008 My dual frequency echo sounder only supports the NMEA0183 output format. How does Hydromagic know which depth is high and which is low frequency?
All depth sentences defined in the NMEA0183 protocol specification are designed for single frequency use. At the moment of writing there are no NMEA0183 sentences which can be used to support dual frequency depth data. Some echo sounder manufacturers have found a way around this by using the "XD ...
Tags:   echo sounder, NMEA0183, dual frequency, XDR, transducer data, plugin, XDLO, XDHI,

Q112009 I was wondering if you could tell me if Hydromagic can accept data from sub-bottom profilers?
Yes, Hydromagic support a couple of echo sounders with sub-bottom profiler functionality. At the moment the following supported echo sounders can be used to record sub-bottom data: Unabara Z-Axis2F Syqwest sub-bottom profilers Innomar sub-bottom profilers. Hydromagic may support mor ...
Tags:   sub-buttom, sub-bottom data, sub-bottom profiler, SEG-Y, Innomar, Unabara, Syqwest,

Q112010 Can your software simultaneously collect dual frequency for both high and low frequency soundings?
Yes, when your echo sounder has a serial data output capable of transferring dual frequency depth data to a PC, the depth reading for both the high and low frequencies will be stored into the raw data file. You can check if this work by checking the "Data View" window. It should how both depths ...
Tags:   echo sounder, dual frequency, dual frequency echo sounder, recording dual frequency data,

Q112011 Does your software support multi transducer echo sounder systems?
Starting with version 11 of the Hydromagic Survey software, systems consisting out of more then one single transducer will be supported. At this moment the only multi transducer option is the Unabara Z-Sweep MTES system, which is a system that can use up to 8 transducers. Please note, that fo ...
Tags:   MTES, multi transducers, multi transducer echo sounder, Z-Sweep,

Q113001 Do you have an up-to-date list of AIS receivers that are known to work well with your software ?
A list of supported hardware (including AIS receivers) can be found here. Please note, that when a device isn't listed, this does not mean it does not work with our software. It is safe to say that every AIS receiver equiped with a NMEA0183 compatible output is supported by Hydromagic. Whe ...
Tags:   Supported Hardware, AIS receivers,

Q114001 Does your software offer support for motion sensors ?
Yes, starting from Hydromagic version 6.0, motion sensors can be used to correct your soundings for heave, pitch and roll. Motion sensors are configured using plugins, at this moment we support the TSS1 format which is compatible with most motion sensors around. In case your motion sensor is ...
Tags:   Motion Sensor, IMU, TSS1, Heave, Pitch, Roll, Heave Correction,

Q115001 Can I use a NMEA0183 compatible total station with your software?
Yes you can. Most total stations output a NMEA0183 compatible GGA sentence to pass position data.Where the position data is in WGS84 on GPS receivers, the total station outputs northing and eastings.To use a total station, just connect it to an available serial port and use the "Trimble Total Stati ...
Tags:   Total Station, GGA, Psuedo NMEA0183,

Q115002 If we use the total station for acquiring position data, does Hydromagic register the sytem time of the total station when it saves a position value or does it use the system time oft he pc, where Hydromagic is installed?
When recording incoming data to the internal raw data format, data is most of the times time tagged with the PC time. If the plugin you are using has an option to use the time of the device you are connecting, then the time of the device will be used if this option is checked. We recommend to ...
Tags:   time tagging, time synschronization, raw data file, time stamps, total station, raw data recording, pc time,

Q116001 Can your Hydromagic software output an APA or APB sentence for autopilot control?
The Hydromagic software does not output APA or APB autopilot NMEA0183 sentences. However, it is possible to use the NMEAOUT plugin to output position and cross track error messages over a serial port (XTE and GGA sentences). ...
Tags:   autopilot, NMEA0183, APA, APB, XTE, GGA, NMEA0183 output, NMEA0183 generator,

Q120001 Where can I get maps to use with your software ?
Hydromagic is shipped without maps. However, in most cases you should be able to find a map for your area, either free from the internet, or payed. Hydromagic supports a large range of map formats, including nautical maps such as S57/S63 ENCs and BSB, CAD formats, like AutoCAD DXF and Microstati ...
Tags:   Maps, Map Sources, Map Formats, Map Download,

Q120002 Does your software support IHO S-57 maps ?
hydromagic supports both IHO S-57 and S-63 maps. When you need inland ECDIS maps for Europe or the United States, you can most probably download them for free. Please refer to the following page for a list of countries offering free S-57 map data: Getting S57 ENC'S - Links to map downloads ...
Tags:   Maps, Nautical Maps, Nautical Charts, IHO S-57, IHO S-63, ECDIS, ENC,

Q120003 I want to buy S-63 enc's but the "S63 ENC Permits" option in your software is disabled. How can I activate it?
In order to generate a OEM key to buy encrypted IHO S63 charts, a unique HWID (hardware ID) must be present on your system. By default this ID isn't programmed into your computer bound license or USB dongle. To obtain a HWID, just contact support, adding this ID is free, as long as you have a va ...
Tags:   IHO S57, IHO S63, ENC, SENC, HWID,

Q130001 Is it possible to change the latitude / longitude format ?
Yes, positions can be displayed in various latitude/longitude formats. When a map projection has been specified, positions can also be displayed in local grid units. To change the latitude/longitude format used in the software, select "Preferences" from the "Options" menu, and select the "Units ...
Tags:   Position Format, Coordinate Format, Local Grid Coordinates,

Q130002 I am using a satellite image to navigate, however it is hard to see the vessel shape. Can I change it's color ?
Yes, this is possible. You can specify both the vessel's shape and color. To do so, select "Preferences" from the "Options" menu, and click the "Map" tab. At the bottom of this tab, you will find a section called "Vessel shape, color and offsets". You can set the line color of the vessel shape h ...
Tags:   Vessel Shape, Vessel Color,

Q130003 Is it possible to correct sounding with the salinity at sea ?
The speed of sound through salt water differs from the speed in fresh water. Hydromagic supports sound velocity correction. To enter the sound velocity for different layers of water, select "Preferences..." from the "Options" menu, and select the "Calibration" tab. Click the "Setup..." but ...
Tags:   Sound Velocity, Salinity, Sea Water, Speed of Sound,

Q130004 Where do I configure the distance between the transducer and GPS antenna ?
In order to get accurate soundings when GPS antenna and echosounder transducer are not mounted on the same location, an offset has to be calculated by taking the X and Y offset between the sensors and project this position using the vessels heading. In Hydromagic, the position of the transducer ...
Tags:   Transducer offset, Sensor offsets, Heading, Vessel Shape, Vessel Designer, Vessel Shape Editor,

Q140001 Does your software support RTK tides ?
Yes, Hydromagic is capable of calculating tide levels realtime by using a RTK receiver. In order to calculate tide, a geoid model for the region has to be loaded. You also have to configure the vertical datum and antenna height. Tide calculation only works in "RTK Fixed" mode, so a reference ...
Tags:   tide, RTK, RTK tide, tide calculation, geoid, geoid model, antenna height, water level, vertical datum,

Q140002 Does the software support tide corrections ?
Yes, Hydromagic supports multiple tide correction methods. The following methods are supported: Automatic tide correction using a RTK (network) rover Manual tide correction during sounding Manual tide correction during post processing Automatic tide correction using tide prediction. ...
Tags:   Tides, Tide Correction, Manual Tide Correction, Automatic Tide Correction, Tide Prediction,

Q140003 When tide corrections are applied, some depths are negative, why is this ?
When tide corrections are applied, the sounding values are referenced to a local datum. This means that all sounding values are now (orthometric) heights instead of depths. In fact, you are measuring the elevation of the river bed instead of the depth itself. ...
Tags:   Tides, Tide Correction, Orthometric Heights, Elevation, Vertical Datum,

Q140004 Where do I configure the draft in your software?
In hydrography, the (static) draft is the offset between the bottom of the echosounder's transducer and the water surface. This is normally a fixed value and should not change very often. Some echosounders allow you to define this draft in the echosounder's configuration.In cases in which it isn't p ...
Tags:   Transducer offset, draft, dynamic draft, sounder offset,

Q140005 What do I have to enter for antenna height in the RTK settings?
To use RTK tides using a RTK receiver and a geoid model, it is required to set the height of the antenna above the water surface. Please note that you use the phase center of the internal antenna instead of the bottom of the antenna.If you do not configure a draft for the echosounder, it is also pos ...
Tags:   tide, RTK, RTK tide, tide calculation, geoid, geoid model, antenna height, water level, vertical datum, draft, static draft,

Q150001 What is the quickest and easiest way to start a sounding from a blank project ?
Starting a sounding in Hydromagic is very easy. However, a few steps are required to collect the information needed. We assume that the hardware is already connected, powered up and configured, and your GPS or RTK receiver has a valid position fix. Select a local map projection by clickin ...
Tags:   Create Sounding, Start Sounding, Start Recording,

Q150002 How to automatically stop sounding when RTK signal has been lost ?
In Hydromagic it is possible to set an alarm on the GPS/RTK statistics. For instance, when the number of sats used is to low, the DOP is to high, or a correction signal is lost, you can pause the sounding and / or sound an alarm. How to setup and use alarms is covered in detail in the manual. ...
Tags:   Monitor RTK, Monitor GPS, Minimum Satellites, Maximum DOP, Correction Signal, GPS Quality,

Q150003 Is it possible to add depth contours manually?
Yes, Hydromagic supports a feature called shorelines, which allows you to manually add depth contours to your sounding,for instance the 0 contour at places where a lake reaches the shore (see image below).A tutorial on how to add shorelines or depth contours can be found in the online manual. ...
Tags:   Depth Contours, Shoreline, Shoreline Data,

Q150004 Is it possible to correct sounding with the salinity at sea?
The speed of sound through salt water differs from the speed in fresh water. Hydromagic will correct soundings for sound velocity during the generation of soundings in the "Generate soundings wizard".More information about how to use sound velocity corrections in Hydromagic can be found in the manua ...
Tags:   Sound Velocity, Salinity, Sea Water, Speed of Sound,

Q150010 What is the difference between the raw data files in the "RawData" and "Modified" folders ?
To make sure that the original data from your sounding remains untouched, all modifications on the raw data are stored in a separate folder, which is the "Modified" folder. Files in the "Modified" folder are generated when modifying your raw data files using the "Create Sounding Wizard". The ...
Tags:   Raw data files, Modified data files, Sounding files,

Q150011 When recording data, nothing is displayed on the map, how can I fix this issue ?
When recording is started, and your vessel is moving, all positions recorded to the raw data file should be shown on your background map. If this is not the case, please check one of the following: Visibility Make sure your raw file(s) are visible. You can toggle the visibility of any object ...
Tags:   Raw data files, Display raw data, Realtime depth display,

Q150021 How can I remove invalid GPS positions from my recorded data ?
Big errors in GPS positions on the map are often caused by an error in the NMEA0183 data decoded by the software. We recommend you to enable CRC checksum for NMEA0183 devices. To remove these positions from your recorded data, just go through the "Generate Sounding Wizard" until you reach the da ...
Tags:   GPS Errors, Position Errors, Checksum Error, Position Editor,

Q150025 When the raw data files are viewed in the map they all show 0.00m as the depth whereas the data view shows a valid depth.
When the depth in the data view is correct and is displayed in green, the data should be recorded correctly. The map display will display a depth of 0.00 when: The sounder is only sending low frequency depth readings to the Hydromagic software, while high frequency depths are displayed on the ...
Tags:   Dual frequency, invalid depths, zero depths, low frequency, toggle frequency,

Q150026 During the processing I deleted all the RAW files from the project. Is there any ways to recover the files?
When deleting the raw files from the software, the raw data files will be removed from the disk as well. In this case you can most probably recover the files by copying them back from the "Backups" folder under the project root to the "RawData" folder. When you deleted the files in Windows Explo ...
Tags:   raw data, restoring data, deleted files, backup, restore,

Q151001 Is there a way to enter manual soundings in Hydromagic?
There are two ways to enter manual soundings in Hydromagic. When you want to add depth measurements along the shoreline, we recommend generating a boundary and enter depth or elevations to the points forming the boundary: " Generate a boundary as explained here: ...
Tags:   sounding, manual soundings, add soundings, manual measurements,

Q160001 I want to create a 3D view from my sounding, is this supported ?
In order to create a 3D view, you have to create a matrix first. To do so, right click on the "Matrices" folder in the project explorer and select "Generate Matrix". When a matrix has been created, right click on the matrix in the project explorer and select the "3D View" option. The soun ...
Tags:   3D, 3D View, Matrix,

Q160002 There are some void spots in my generated matrix, can this be fixed ?
There are two causes for voids in the matrix data. The first one has something to do with the color ranges. When certain points are outside the range of the color table, they are just not drawn. Select "Matrix Colors..." from the "Options" menu to adjust the color ranges. This also happens whe ...
Tags:   Matrix Voids, Matrix, Color Ranges, Line Spacing,

Q160003 Is it possible to add depth contours manually ?
Yes, Hydromagic supports a feature called shorelines, which allows you to manually add depth contours to your sounding, for instance the 0 contour at places where a lake reaches the shore (see image below). A tutorial on how to add shorelines or depth contours can be found in the online manual. ...
Tags:   Depth Contours, Shoreline, Shoreline Data,

Q160004 I created a XYZ matrix file and I noticed a lot of -9999 values ?
A depth / elevation value of -9999 in Hydromagic matrix files indicate a void cell. This means there is no value calculated for this cell. To create a XYZ file without the void cells, you have to use the "Export ASCII Sounding" tool, which can be started by selecting "Export" = "Export ASCII Dat ...
Tags:   XYZ Matrix File, XYZ Matrix Export, Matrix Export,

Q160005 Is it possible to generate a matrix without depth values and only colors, like the example on your homepage?
Yes, this is possible. It is not a setting in the matrix generation utility, but you have to change the way the matrix is displayed on the map. This can be done by setting the "Matrix Display Options". The "Matrix Display Options" can be accessed via the "Project Explorer". Make sure the project ...
Tags:   matrix, matrix display options, display options, matrix colors, depth colors,

Q160006 Is there a way for having post-processed GPS data reimported back into Hydromagic?
This method is called PPK (Post Processing Kinematic). Using RINEX data recorded on both the rover and base station (could also be a fixed base station, or a base station part of a RTK network), a correction file is generated which is imported back into Hydromagic. To use PPK, you MUST have RINE ...
Tags:   post processing, RINEX, PPK, post processing kinematic, RTK base station, CORS,

Q160010 I configured an offset between the GNSS antenna and echo sounder position, but after processing the data points appear at the same places as the raw position data. What am I doing wrong?
To define an offset between the GNSS antenna position and the echo sounder position, you can use the "Vessel Designer". Make sure that the "Vessel Designer" is set to the correct units. After configuring a vessel file for your USV or boat, make sure that after editing, you select the correct ve ...
Tags:   vessel designer, gnss antenna offset, transducer offset, gps offset, echo sounder offset, post processing,

Q170001 Can I create planned survey lines in your software ?
Yes you can, in Hydromagic we call them "Sections" because these lines can also be used to create cross sections used in volume calculation. These "Sections" can also be used to guide you during the survey. When your vessels heading is known, and a section is selected, you can even use the LR-in ...
Tags:   Sections, Cross Sections, Planned Lines, Planned Survey Lines, LR Indicator, Helmsman Display,

Q170002 What pre-survey functionality is offered by the software ?
All survey planning tools are integrated into the main program.The following pre-survey steps are available (click the links for more information): Creating a new project Download or import a background map Create a boundary around your survey area Create or import cross sections or planned linesAft ...
Tags:   survey planning, pre-survey, planning,

Q180001 I'd like to create a sounding from a NMEA0183 logfile. How can this be done ?
Hydromagic allows you to create a sounding from a NMEA0183 logfile which contains both GPS and echosounder data in NMEA0183 format. This feature has been developed to process logfiles recorded with remotely operated survey boats such as the Z-Boat from Oceanscience. To load the NMEA0183 data, ...
Tags:   NMEA0183, NMEA0183 Log File, NMEA0183 Import, Import NMEA0183 Data, Convert NMEA0183 to sounding,

Q184001 Does HydroMagic has the ability to import an XYZ text file and post-process into a DTM, Volumes, etc. basically all the standard processing features?
Hydromagic offers various import method at any stage of the data processing. XYZ data can be imported as raw data file, sounding or directly as matrix data. If the XYZ data needs processing and filtering of the depth data, we recommend to import the data as a new raw data file and go from there. Wh ...
Tags:   import XYZ, import ASCII, import matrix, import matrix data, import sounding, import sounding data, import gridded data,

Q190001 Is it possible to export sounding data to Excel ?
Yes this is possible. You can export data to Excel by saving it to a comma separated file. To do so, select right-click on the sounding you want to export in the "Project View", and select the "Export Sounding..." option. The Export ASCII sounding dialog should now appear. This tool allows yo ...
Tags:   Export Sounding Data, Export CSV Data, CSV File, Export Excel, Excel,

Q190002 How can I export sounding data to Google Earth ?
Hydromagic is capable of exporting data to Google Earth KML and KMZ files. The main difference between KML and KMZ files is that KMZ files are zipped archives and can contain map overlays, while KML is a plain XML file that can hold vector features only. In Hydromagic, it is possible to expor ...
Tags:   Export, Google Earth, KML, KMZ, Keyhole Markup Language,

Q190003 I was wondering if it is possible to export the matrix data to .las (LiDAR) file format ?
Since version 10.2 it is possible to export matrix data as different third-party file formats including LAS files. In order to export a matrix as LAS file, make sure that the "Project Explorer" is visible and expand the "Matrices" folder. Locate the matrix file you want to export and right click ...
Tags:   Matrix, export matrix, export LAS, export LiDAR, LAS file,

Q194001 I have completed a few surveys with the Hydromagic software. The issue I am having is I cannot seem to get a orthometric elevation to export.
To export the orthometric height (which is the height off the GNSS antenna compensated with a geoid model), you have to make sure you converted your recorded data into soundings first. When converting the data using the "Sounding Wizard", please make sure that you supplied the correct antenna he ...
Tags:   export, export ASCII, orthometric elevation, export fields, select fields, elevation,

Q200001 Do you have an up-to-date list of all supported local map projections ?
A regularly updated list of all supported local map grids and their corresponding parameters can be found at the URL below. When a grid is not listed, you can add this grid by yourself. Please notify our helpdesk, so we can include it in the next release of the software. http://www.eye4software. ...
Tags:   Local Map Grids, Local Map Projections,

Q200002 Do you have an up-to-date list of all supported horizontal map datums ?
A regularly updated list of all supported horizontal map datums and their corresponding parameters can be found at the URL below. When a map datum is not listed, you can add this map datum by yourself. Please notify our helpdesk, so we can include it in the next release of the software. http: ...
Tags:   Map Datums, Horizontal Map Datums, Chart Datum,

Q200003 Do you have an up-to-date list of all supported reference ellipsoids ?
A regularly updated list of all supported ellipsoids (and spheres) and their corresponding parameters can be found at the URL below. When a reference ellipsoid is not listed, you can add this ellipsoid by yourself by entering the flattening and semi-major axis values. Also please notify our h ...
Tags:   Reference Ellipsoid, Semi-major Axis, Inverse Flattening, Ellipsoid,

Q200004 I am working on a project in South-Africa. Does your software support Transverse Mercator South Oriented ?
Yes this projection method is supported. A list of all supported map projections can be found on our website at the URL below: When a map projection method is not supported, please contact our helpdesk so we can try to help ...
Tags:   Map Projection, Map Projection Method, Projections,

Q200005 I am unable to add new map grids. After clicking Save, the changes are lost.
This may happen in some circumstances, and the error is related to file system security. You can try the following to fix this problem: Make sure the "C:\ProgramData\Hydromagic\" folder is accessible (read and write access !) for the current user Reinstall the software as Administrator ...
Tags:   Creating Grid, Creating Datum,

Q200006 Does your software support the State Plane Coordinate System ?
Yes it does, all SPCS27 and SPCS83 map grids are present in Hydromagic. More information on the State Plane Coordinate System can be found here. ...
Tags:   Geodesy, State Plane Coordinate System, SPCS27, SPCS83, NAD27, NAD83,

Q200007 How can I change the vertical units ?
In Hydromagic the units are linked to the coordinate system (local grid) used. To change the units, you either have to find another version of the coordinate system, or modify the coordinate system to use other units. For more information on how to edit pre-defined local map grids, please refere ...
Tags:   Vertical Units, Depth Units, Coordinate System, Local Grid, Local Map Grid,

Q200008 I want to use NADCON to convert between NAD83 and NAD27, is this supported ?
NADCON is fully supported, the correction files are also shipped with the application. ...
Tags:   NADCON, NAD83, NAD27,

Q200009 Does your software support NTv2 correction grids ?
National Transformation version 2 grid files are supported. We even ship a couple of NTv2 correction grids with the software. More correction grids can be downloaded from our NTv2 information page. ...
Tags:   NTv2, National Transformation Version 2, GSB files, Correction Grid, OSTN02,

Q200010 What is a geodetic or map datum?
A geodetic datum can be defined as a set of constants specifying the coordinate system used for geodetic control, i.e., for calculating the coordinates of points on the Earth. ...
Tags:   Geodetic Datum, Map Datum, Datum,

Q200011 What is HARN or HPGN ?
A High Accuracy Reference Network (HARN) and a High Precision Geodetic Network (HPGN) were two designations used for a statewide geodetic network upgrade. The generic acronym HARN is now used for both HARN and HPGN and was adopted to remove the confusion arising from the use of two acronyms. A HARN ...
Tags:   HARN, HPGN, Map Datum Conversion, Map Datum Transformation Grid, Transformation Grid,

Q200012 Which horizontal datum transformations are supported ?
Hydromagic is able to convert between geoidetic datums using one of the following translation algorithms: No transformation Molodensky Bursa Wolf NADCON HARN or HPGN NTv2 ...
Tags:   Datum Transformation, Molodensky, Bursa Wolf, NADCON, HARN, HPGN, NTv2,

Q200013 I have to perform a hydrographic survey in the UK. Do you support OSTN02 ?
Yes, OSTN02 is implemented as a NTv2 correction grid, and is included in the software by default. ...
Tags:   OSTN02, NTv2, Ordnance Survey, Transformation Grid,

Q200014 I am using NAD27 as map datum but the position is about 100ft off
When using NAD27, coordinate conversion tages place between NAD83 (WGS84) and NAD27.There are two variants, a matrix transformation or tranformation by a datum shift file.By default Hydromagic is using the matrix transformation. If your map or project is using the datum shift file transformation you ...
Tags:   NAD27, NAD83, NADCON, Position Error, Datum Shift,

Q200015 How can I change a grid to use NADCON for NAD27 to NAD83 translation ?
By default, all State Plane grids that use NAD27, use a regular (Molodensky) NAD27 to NAD 83 transformation. It is not very difficult to change the built in grid to use NADCON conversion: Make sure you run the software as an Administrator, or make sure UAC in windows is turned off Select the "Mana ...
Tags:   State Plane Coordinate System, NAD27, NAD83, NADCON,

Q200016 How can I test if my geoid file is working fine without the need to go to the survey location?
To test if a geoid model works as expected (which is recommended before starting your survey), please follow the steps below: " Make sure that the geoid file is correctly installed or downloaded. For more information, please refer to the geoid files manual page: ...
Tags:   geoid model, installing geoid model, testing geoid model, geodesy calculations,

Q200017 Do you have a WGS84 UTM map projection in US Survey Feet?
By default the UTM zones are always in meters. This is because Hydromagic uses the EPSG database which does not include definitions for UTM zones in International Feet or U.S. Survey Feet. Most probably they will be added in new versions anyway. This article explains how to convert any map proje ...
Tags:   WGS84, UTM, UTM zones, meters, feet, horizontal units, vertical units, units of measure,

Q200018 I want to use GEOID18B for the United States, how do I know which zone I must use?
The GEOID18 model for CONUS (the The contiguous United States) is divided into eight (8) zones to reduce file size and reduce lookup times. To determine which geoid zone you have to use, please have a look at the table below: Zone No. Latitude Range (N) Longitude Range (W) 1 40 ...
Tags:   GEOID12, GEOID12A, GEOID12B, GEOID18, NAVD88, geoid model, zones, CONUS,

Q210001 Is it allowed to use the Hydromagic license on multiple computers ?
Yes, you can use the license on multiple computer, however, you can use it on one computer at a time. Hydromagic is protected against unauthorized use using a dongle. Once the dongle is removed from the computer, the software will stop working. ...
Tags:   Licensing, Multiple Computers, Dongle,

Q210002 Do I get a discount when buying multiple licenses ?
Yes you will, in fact you only pay the full price when buying a single license. When buying 3 or more licenses discounts will start at 10 percent. If you are interested in volume licensing, please contact our sales department for more information. ...
Tags:   Licensing, Sales, Volume Discounts,

Q210003 How long will it take to ship the license I ordered ?
This depends on to which country the dongle will be shipped. With regular mail, it will take a couple of days for Europe, 1 week for the United States and up to 6 weeks for other countries. For a more accurate estimate, please contact sales. If you want to be sure you will receive it in a cou ...
Tags:   Licensing, Shipping, Dongle, Delivery Times,

Q210004 Do you sell hardware for use with Hydromagic ?
Eye4Software B.V. does not sell RTK receivers or echosounders. For hardware, please contact one of our resellers. ...
Tags:   Sales, Hardware, Resellers,

Q210005 Can your software still be used when the maintenance contract expires?
The software license is perpetual, which means that the software will continue to run forever, as long as you are using the same version, and also reinstall the same version when reinstalling your operating system or when moving the software to a different computer. After your maintenance contra ...
Tags:   licensing, maintenance, maintenance contract, support, support contract, moving license, upgrading,

Q210006 What does the "Maintenance Expiration Date" in the About box mean? Will the software stop working after this date?
The maintenance expiration date is the ending date of the maintenance contract. By default, the software comes with a maintenance contract of one year which starts at the date of purchase. After this year, you can renew this maintenance contract yearly, or you can extend it for multiple years at on ...
Tags:   Maintenance expiration date, maintenance contract, support contract, receive support, about box,

Q220001 When I try to run the software, a popup is presenting the following error:"CmContairner Entry not found, Error 200"
The full version of Hydromagic is protected against unauthorized use using a dongle or hardlock. When you try the run the full version of the software without the hardlock or dongle connected to an USB port on your PC or notebook, you will receive the error: " CodeMeter 102088:130 Failure reason ...
Tags:   Codemeter, Dongle, Hardlock, Software Security, Software Protection,

Q220002 After upgrading the software to the latest version, the toolbar is missing icons, what is wrong ?
Hydromagic is using a customizable toolbar and settings are written to the Windows Registry.When the number or the order of the toolbar buttons changes in a new version, you have to reset the toolbar.This can be done by clicking the small down arrow right of the toolbar, and select "Add and Remove b ...
Tags:   Hydromagic Toolbar, Reinstall, Upgrade,

Q220003 After upgrading the software, some accelerator keys (function keys) aren't working anymore
This problem can occur when upgrading from Hydromagic 5.1 to a newer version. To fix this issue, please perform the following steps: Exit the Hydromagic application Press the Windows start key and type "RegEdit.Exe" and press Enter Locate the registrykey "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Ey ...
Tags:   Accelerator keys, Function keys,

Q220004 When setting the map projection the depth value in the navigation view disappears
Please check the properties for the selected grid. Make sure the "Vertical Units" are set correctly. ...
Tags:   Depth value, vertical units,

Q220005 I am unable to add new map grids. After clicking Save, the changes are lost.
This may happen in some circumstances, and the error is related to file system security.You can try the following to fix this problem: Make sure the "C:/ProgramData/Hydromagic/" folder is accessible (read and write access !) for the current user Re-install the software as an Administrator Run th ...
Tags:   Creating Grid, Creating Datum,

Q220007 Is it possible to create a trace of the incoming serial data from my devices?
Yes this is possible. Since Hydromagic version, all incoming serial data received using either a NMEA0183 channel or plugin is recorded to the raw data files when recording.You can simply export this data to a text document, by right clicking the original raw data file and selecting the " ...
Tags:   Serial Data, Tracing, Logging, Incoming Data,

Q220008 After (re)installing Hydromagic the following error is displayed: "The code execution cannot proceed because WIBUCM64.dll was not found". What can I do to solve this issue ?
This error means that the Wibu Runtime was not installed correctly on your computer.The Wibu runtime is required to download or check your computer bound license, or to read your USB dongle.When reinstallation of Hydromagic does not help, we suggest to download and install the Wibu runtime manually. ...
Tags:   Error, WIBUCM64.dll, Wibu Runtime, Missing DLL,

Q220009 When executing the software for the first time, I got the following error: "The program can't start because api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem."
This error means that one or more CRT runtime DLL's could not be loaded when the software starts. This is usually because the Hydromagic installer wasn't able to execute the "Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 - 2022 Runtime" installer which installs all required runtime DLL files to your computer. Wind ...
Tags:   Runtime missing, start error, missing DLL, DLL,

Q220010 Why is the message "WARNING: Geodesy database is read only! Please run the software as an Administrator." displayed when starting the software?
This error message appears when the software canÆt read or write the database which contains all the coordinate reference systems. One of the reasons is that the software isnÆt run with sufficient privileges, but it might also be caused by a corrupted database. Please check the following: Try i ...
Tags:   Start error, geodesy database, geo.db, read only, database, coordinate systems,

Q220011 When starting the software, a popup is displayed containing the error message: "The Usage Period has expired - Error 71". What does it mean?
When you receive this error, it means that the rental period of the software has ended. The rental period starts when the software is first started after installing the rental license. The ending date depends on the rental period purchased. The Usage Period has expired - Error 71. To continu ...
Tags:   Start error, usage period, rental, licensing, license expiration, license expiration date,

Q221001 During installation, the installer issues a "Error opening file for writing" error. How can I fix this issue?
When the Hydromagic installer program shows a popup with the warning: "Error opening file for writing", it means that one of the files needed to run the Hydromagic software could not be copied to your hard disk. This can have multiple causes including: You are trying to software on a location o ...
Tags:   Installer, Installation, Installer Troubleshooting, Locked files,

Q221002 Will Hydromagic operate under a standard (non-administrator) Windows user account, assuming that Admin credentials are available for the install?
Hydromagic will run without problems using a standard Windows user account. To make sure all the users can use the software, you must run the software installer using an Administrator account, so the installer package can set the correct file permissions for all folders and registry keys used by Hy ...
Tags:   installation, installer, user accounts, administrator,

Q221003 I just downloaded the installer, but upon opening the executable I got the error: ôWindows cannot access hydromagic_full_64bit.exeö.
This is probably a problem with access privileges or a corrupted download. Please check the following: " Check whether the download has been completed, this message might occur when the browser has been closed before the file was downloaded completely. The file might be removed by a virus scanne ...
Tags:   installer, download, installer error,

Q222103 I have a computer bound license, how can the license be transferred to another computer ?
Transferring a license to another computer, for instance when a computer needs to be replaced, reinstalled or is stolen, is free if you meet the following requirements: You have a valid maintenance (support) contract with us or your local reseller You can supply the original Ticket-Id, license ...
Tags:   Computer bound license, license transfer, reinstalling, stolen computer, format computer,

Q235001 I can not get the helmsman display to show up, even if it is selected in the View menu.
Not being able to show any of the dockable instruments (helmsman display, echo sounder display, echogram display, compass, attitude display etc..), project explorer or data view is often caused by a change in display resolution. It is also possible that the last time you were using the software tho ...
Tags:   tool windows, instruments, hidden windows, hidden feature, helmsman display, compass display, attitude display, project explorer, data view, navigation view, echogram, factory reset, reset configuration,